HomeEducationcoinvest nsfas : learners based payment related answers and solutions

coinvest nsfas : learners based payment related answers and solutions


Seeing in the previous year, the National Student Financial Aid Scheme quoting for the (NSFAS) announced that funded students and financially given learners would no longer be receiving their monthly student allowances via and through the means of their third parties, as and also in the form of the scheme has set up a new and the fresh bank account and the profile based system and procedure.

The financial aid scheme and the relational surfed identified as partnered with four banking service providers to bring the new payment solution and the responsiveness to learners and also to students including and consisting of the connection of and to the Coinvest Africa. This is often referred to and known as to and also in the forms of and as a Nsfas bank account and allows and permits mobile and cellphone based money and the monetary transactions to and for the sole purpose to happen. 

Registration procedure With Coinvest :

  • First of all you will have to Visit the official Coinvest Website to and for the sole reason to contact Coinvest.
  • Then you will have to Register an account.
  • Then you will input and Enter your ID number.
  • Next you will have to Complete your personalisation and detailing as well as the information.
  • Upload with the formation of your Valid Personal Identification and the relational procedure and Document.
  • Prepare and then you will have to take a selfie with a thumbs up relational basics on the factors close to your face in front of a light-coloured wall. Give and try the factor of a thumbs up and check that your face and thumb are in the associated and the related focus.
  • Your account and the related profile is now ready and way too fulfilling to be utilised.

NSFAS Allowances Direct and the common Payment system :

This new payment solution and the responsive answer was first piloted and implemented for the sole purpose of the permitting and allowance payments to students and the learners attending TVET colleges. However and somehow, as of June in the particular year of 2023, NSFAS began and started off  rolling out the new payment system and the payment unique procedure for the sole purpose of the university students as well and they were also encouraged and participated to and for the sole purpose to and for the sole reason to sign up for their Coinvest Nsfas account and profile. The sign up process and the relational procedure is simplified.


Once and at the moment of the learners and students have successfully onboarded and done, they will receive and take up a NSFAS Mastercard which will allow and permit them to and for the sole reason to make money withdrawals from the origins of the needed ATMs, selected retail stores and will also be able and will also go for the reason to be available for the sole reason to make and prepare electronic transfers as with normal and the preferred bank accounts and profiles. If you don’t receive and take the physical card you can and will have the ability to contact Coinvest, Their contact details and the connecting information on the origins of their website and the homepage.

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