HomeBusinessThe Role of SAFe Core Values in Remote and Distributed Agile Teams

The Role of SAFe Core Values in Remote and Distributed Agile Teams

Agility is not simply a catchphrase in business; it is a must for survival and development. The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) has emerged as a point of reference for organisations looking to adopt agility at scale. The Scaled Agile Framework Core Values are a crucial component of SAFe that is emphasised in the Leading SAFe Training. These qualities are critical in developing team cooperation, openness, and flexibility. Understanding how these basic principles might effect agile teams in this situation is more important than ever as remote and dispersed work becomes more popular.

The Agile Evolution: Adapting to Remote and Distributed Work

The agile approach has revolutionised software development and project management by encouraging iterative development, customer-centricity, and quick adaptability to changing needs. However, as firms developed worldwide and technology permitted remote labour, the necessity for adaptable agile practises became clear.

Enter the SAFe framework, which was created to help major organisations with agile changes. SAFe is a complete strategy to implementing agile ideas and practises across an organisation. SAFe’s fundamental principles are a cornerstone of the methodology: alignment, built-in quality, transparency, programme execution, and respect. These ideals act as a compass for teams as they navigate the challenging landscape of scaled agile.

Remote and dispersed work has become the new standard in recent years. While this transition has provided agility and access to global talent pools, it has also presented new obstacles to agile teams. SAFe Core Values can make a significant impact in this situation.

Alignment: The Foundation of Remote Collaboration

Alignment is critical in a remote or dispersed agile team. The first fundamental principle of SAFe emphasises the need of organisational alignment. This implies that everyone, from individual team members to executives, must be on the same page when it comes to objectives, priorities, and expectations.

Regular communication becomes even more important in a distant location to achieve this alignment. Agile rituals like as daily stand-ups, sprint planning, and retrospectives are critical tools for fostering alignment in remote teams. Furthermore, digital collaboration solutions like as video conferencing and project management software assist in bridging geographical boundaries and keeping everyone in sync.

Built-in Quality: Maintaining High Standards from Afar

Product quality is a primary priority for agile teams. The second SAFe Core Value, “built-in quality,” emphasises the significance of consistently producing high-quality work. Maintaining quality in distant situations might be difficult due to a lack of physical closeness.

To guarantee that remote work meets the appropriate standards, teams must depend on rigorous testing practises, automated test suites, and strong code reviews. Pipelines for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) are especially important in automating quality checks and creating a quality culture within remote agile teams.

Transparency: The Tie That Binds Remote Teams

The third SAFe Core Value is transparency, which acts as a link between remote team members. Transparency implies that everyone has equal access to information and that there are no hidden motives or surprises. This principle is even more important in a remote team to guarantee that information flows freely.

To record work, progress, and challenges, remote teams should employ digital technologies. By making information available to all team members, agile boards, virtual Kanban boards, and shared document repositories may assist to establish transparency. Regular status updates and open communication channels encourage transparency and keep everyone informed and involved.

Program Execution: Coordinating Complexity Remotely

“Programme execution,” the fourth SAFe Core Value, focuses on providing value at scale. Complex programme coordination might be difficult in a remote or dispersed context. SAFe, on the other hand, offers ideas and practises, such as the Programme Increment (PI) planning ceremony, that assist teams in efficiently coordinating their activities.

Even if it must be done digitally, remote teams should adopt PI planning. This ritual unites teams and establishes a clear blueprint for future revisions. Furthermore, distant agile teams should use digital technologies for program-level monitoring and reporting to ensure that everyone is informed of programme progress.

Respect: Fostering a Positive Remote Team Culture

The fifth SAFe Core Value, “respect,” emphasises the need of cultivating an organisational culture of mutual respect and trust. Building and retaining trust becomes a major difficulty in remote and dispersed teams because face-to-face interactions are restricted.

Leaders should promote open and honest communication, acknowledge accomplishments, and offer frequent feedback to create respect among remote teams. Members of the team should also be encouraged to express their problems and provide recommendations for change. Remote agile teams may overcome many of the problems associated with remote work by cultivating a culture of respect and trust.


The Core Values of the Scaled Agile Framework are not simply abstract ideals, but also practical instructions for remote and dispersed agile teams. These ideals offer a road map for teams to traverse the complexity of agility at scale in a world where remote labor is becoming more common.

SAFe’s foundations are alignment, built-in quality, transparency, programme execution, and respect, and they are equally important in remote and dispersed contexts. Organisations may sustain productivity, create high-quality products, and establish strong, cohesive teams by adopting these ideals and adapting agile practices to fit remote work.The Benefits of pursuing Leading SAFe Training from The Knowledge Academy are clear and compelling.

SAFe Core Values serve as a compass, leading teams towards success in a remote and distributed agile environment as organisations continue to change and adapt to the shifting landscape of work. These ideals will be critical in your path towards organisational agility in a remote work environment, whether you’re taking a Leading SAFe course or wanting to enhance your current agile practices. For more information, you can learn and get safe agile certification.


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