HomeTechnologyTop 5 Instagram Story Viewers To See Stories Anonymously

Top 5 Instagram Story Viewers To See Stories Anonymously

Instagram is among the most popular social media platforms around the world at present. Like Snapchat, Instagram also introduced a ” story ” feature a couple of years ago. While you can directly view the story on Instagram, many users utilize other third-party Instagram story viewers. This is because, on Instagram, your profile is listed in the list of viewers for stories. Thus, for these purposes there are many IG story viewers available for those who wish to view Instagram stories without revealing their identity.In this post, we have discussed top 5 Instagram Story Viewers

Top 5 Instagram Story Viewers


StoriesDown is free; you don’t have to sign up for an account. There’s no concern about your privacy since there’s no sharing of personal details. Additionally, this Instagram story viewer features an attractive design and simple layout.


IgAnony can be described as an online tool that allows users to access Instagram stories completely anonymously. Using IgAnony is simple – all you have to do is input your username for the individual you’d like to read. You can check out their latest news within minutes without leaving a trail. The most appealing aspect? You don’t need an Instagram account!


With this story viewer for Instagram, You can view the stories of your friends’ accounts and download these stories. This tool will be useful when you need to download your profile photo reels, videos, or even photos on Instagram.

Insta Stalker

Insta Stalker allows you to use an Instagram story viewer that lets users download and view Instagram stories. It requires registration. Insta stalker provides a comprehensive report on the profile searched, such as followers, followers, stories read, etc. Therefore, if faced with the toughest competition, look up the profile to find all the secret information you need to beat them. You can use Insta Stalker for free. Still, an upgraded version of this service is offered online with extra features and bonuses.


Inflact is an advanced Instagram story viewer with a hashtag generator profile analyzer, downloader, and font changer. The app is compatible with Facebook along with Twitter. The free version permits you to keep track of 100 profiles. A cost as low as $49 monthly will give users access to all options.


Stories on Instagram are extremely popular among Instagram users worldwide nowadays. However, like other features on Instagram, the feature isn’t perfect and is not without limitations.

To get around limitations that prevent you from being able to download and view stories in IG and not being identified, choose one of the viewers we have mentioned in this article.


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